
INIRE Summer School and Conference Program

In the Name of God: A Voice for War, a Call for Peace

Full Schedule with Zoom Links (password protected)



Informal reception for early arrivals

Location: Vista Restaurant, Washington Duke Inn



Summer Program Registration and Introduction*

Malachi H. Hacohen (Duke University and Leipzig University) and Peter Casarella (Duke Divinity School)

Introductions and Summer Program Agenda.

*Please note that the Summer Program is  open to all conference participants.   

Location: 0013 Westbrook Building



Introduction to Duke Libraries

Location: 0013 Westbrook Building

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Location: Westbrook Building



Conference Paper: How to Delivery Your Message

Summer School Faculty

Location: 0013 Westbrook Building


Coffee served in Westbrook Hallway



Abrahamic Texts Workshop – Reading Together

Imam Abdul Waheed (Duke), Zohar Maor (Bar Ilan University), and Peter Casarella (Duke)

Location: 0013 Westbrook Building



Religion and Peace - Small Group Discussion over Dinner

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building



Summer Program Lectures and Discussion:  Peace and War in the History of Abrahamic Religions

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

"Holy War and Unholy Peace"

Yvonne Friedman, Bar Ian University, online


"Jewish Responses to War"

Malachi Hacohen, Duke University and Leipzig University


"Justice, Holiness, and Violence"

Matthew Rowley, Fairfield University and Quinnipiac University


13:00 Lunch



“My interest in Religion, War and Peace”: small group discussion in response to morning lectures

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building



Conference Registration & Keynote

Finding God in a Time of Crisis

Imam Abdullah Antepli (Duke University)

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building



18:00: Bus from campus to Durham Bulls Athletic Park 

18:35: Baseball game, with dinner, followed by fireworks

Bus Location: Chapel Quad  

Baseball Game Location: Durham Bulls Athletic Park



Session 1: Muslims and the Other

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Youssef Madrari, Dar Al-Hadith Al-Hassaniyya institution in Rabat, Morocco

The Contemporary Salafi Reproduction and Appropriation of Historical Islamic Theology and Heresiography

Rajil Aziz, Hassan II University in Casablanca

Coexistence between Jews and Muslims in Morocco between Yesterday and Today

Domagoj Krpan, University of Rijeka

Spoilers in religion-based reconciliation: A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina (co-authored with Vedran Obućina, Universität Regensburg, not in attendance)

Commentator: Abdeslam Maghraoui, Duke University



Session 2: Religion and War: Advocacy and Resistance

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Yosef Liebesohn, Bar Ilan University       

War and War Deities: Greece vs. Rome

Benjamin Schewel, Center on Modernity in Transition (COMIT)

Constructive Resilience in the Baha’i Faith

Commentator: Hilda Nissimi, Bar Ilan University


12:15-13:00 INIRE Annual meeting (in-person and online)

Location: 0013 Westbrook Building


13:00 Lunch

Location: Westbrook Building



Session 3: The Holy Scripture on Active Duty

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Antonella Bellantuono, Université Catholique de Lille  

Bible, War and Military Service

Sinduja Umandi Wickramasinghe Jayaratne, National Defense University of Malaysia (online)

Gateway to Violence: Analyzing the Link between the Concept of Jihadism and Salafi Jihadi Militancy

Hilda Nissimi, Bar Ilan University 

Thou Shalt Not Kill: Scriptural Admonition or Political Argumentation?

Commentator: Matthew Rowley, Fairfield University and Quinnipiac University


Coffee served in Westbrook Hallway



Session 4: Theologians and War-Peace Ethics

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Ascher Biemann, University of Virginia

Reinventing the Idea of Humanity: Jewish Thinkers around 1945.

Yemima Hadad, Leipzig University          

Friends and Foes: Martin Buber Reading Carl Schmitt

Zohar Maor, Bar Ilan University

Reorienting National Chosenness from War to Peace: Rosenzweig and Rosenstock-Huessy and the Great War Trauma

Commentator: Malachi Hacohen, Leipzig University and Duke University


19:00 Dinner

Location: Freeman Center for Jewish Life


17th of Tammuz – Jewish fast 


Session 5: Peace Undermined and Restored: Religious conflict and Reconciliation

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Hanna Abakunova, Uppsala University

Jewish–Roma Relations as an Example of Religious Interaction in Occupied Ukraine before and during the Holocaust

Huseyin Oylupinar, Uppsala University

The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Muslim Responses in Crimea and Russia during the Russian War against Ukraine

Abdellah Haddari, Afkaar Center for Studies and Research

Religion and Customs in Morocco: Ancient Ethics and Values of Peace Corrupted by Colonialism

Commentator: Rocio Cortes, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and Anastasia Strakhova, Duke University and Harvard University


Coffee served in Westbrook Hallway



Session 6: Motivation: Religion and Pragmatism

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Emmanuel Chiwetalu Ossai, Manchester Metropolitan University (online)

“Fighting does not Feed us or Pay my Children's School Fees": Practical Interests and the Motivation of Peaceful Behavior in a "Deeply Religious" Nigeria. 

Markus Thurau, Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr         

"From Just War to Just Peace: Peace in Christian thought during and after the Cold War“

Mubarak Tukur, Makerere University, Kampala (online)

Shariah War and Peace: Women Interfaith Council in Northern Nigeria, 1992-2022.

Commentators: Sara Katz (Duke University) and Vera Kallenberg (Duke University and Bielefeld University)


13:00 Lunch



Session 7: Religion and Civil Strife

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Michael G. Bazemore Jr., independent scholar             

“Something nefarious was happening”: Antisemitism, Reactionary Populism, and Extralegal Violence from Blois to Comet Ping Pong

Doron Avraham, Bar Ian University

The German Kulturkampf: Religious Conflict and the Challenge of Modernization 

Motti Inbari, UNC Pembroke

Religious Zionism and the Temple Mount Dilemma      

Commentator: Zohar Maor, Bar-Ilan University



Session 8: Holy Texts and Non-Violence

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Rocío Cortés Rodríguez, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

The Role of Scriptural Reasoning in Promoting a Non-Fundamentalist Understanding of Religious Scriptures

Matthew Rowley, Fairfield University and Quinnipiac University        

Depolarizing Religion and Conflict in the Classroom (Practical and Theoretical proposals)

Sobia Bhat, South Asian University (SAU) (online)

Doing Religion in a Militarized Zone: Islamic Prayers or Salah as a Source of Ontological Security in Kashmir

Commentator: Peter Casarella (Duke Divinity School)



The Jewish Fast of 17th Tammuz and Churban (Catastrophe): Discussion

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building


20:00/21:00 Dinner

Location: Vista Restaurant, Washington Duke Inn



Session 9: Catastrophe, Faith, and Dialogue

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building

Simon Massiga, Makerere University, Kampala

Teaching Peace Education Through Interfaith Dialogue

Raphael Thurm, Bar Ilan University

"Neo-Orthodoxy Responds to World War I"

Neil Bar, Bar Ilan University

This is thy God, o Hellenists of Israel

Commentators: Yaakov Ariel, UNC Chapel Hill, and Motti Inbari, UNC Pembroke



Group discussion: War, Peace and Religion: What we have learned (feedback session)

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building


12:00:  Zohar Maor, Bar Ilan University: Summer Program Conclusion

Location: 0012 Westbrook Building